Annual Pine Cone Drop
Each year Flagstaff marks the beginning of the new year in an interesting way. On December 31st everyone gathers in downtown Flagstaff to watch the annual pine cone drop from the top of the Weatherford Hotel. Similar to the ball drop in Times Square, about 10 seconds before midnight the pine cone begins lowering from the top of the hotel and just as the clock strikes 12 the huge pine cone reaches street level marking the beginning of the New Year. Unfortunately, I was not in town this year to see it, but a few days before New Years I got a few pictures of the pine cone poised above the street ready to come to life on December 31st. The above photo is the front of the Weatherford Hotel with the pine cone and a countdown clock. Here are some additional photos of the hotel and pine cone.
Happy New Year from Rose City.
Great Shot Dustin. Happy New Year!
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