Chocolatey Treats
It's that time of year again. Time for baking and making holiday treats. This is a macro shot of a treat my wife made a few days ago. They are Ritz crackers dipped in mint chocolate with crushed candy canes on top. VERY GOOD and easy to make. Here's another shot of her chocolatey treats.
Ohhh, I can almost taste them. Glad they are "cyber" sweets!
Pat's Photos
Guelph Daily Photo
Photography Cafe
These sweets looks delicious, except the mint which i don't like! Your wife must be a very good cook!
They look great. Does she take them to work?
I think "cyber sweets" are easier on your waistline. ;-)
Sorry you dont like the mint part. But in the US, mint is a very typical flavor for around Xmas time. Maybe I'll omit the mint part and send you a sample. :-)
My wife loves to bake and she does bring her work into work with her, but luckily I usually get to "sample" it first.
Now starving for chocolate at 8:15 in the morning! Yum.
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