Thursday, January 28, 2010

Flagstaff's Snowpocalypse

A few weeks ago, Flagstaff got socked by a massive, 6-day snow storm. The second biggest in its history. We got approximately 55 inches of snow from Monday to Saturday. I heard the Snowbowl ski area got from 6-8 feet. For several of the days, most of the town just had to shut down (except the hospital, of course, so guess who still got to go to work!). Anyway, since I was at work once the sun finally came out, these photos were taken by my wife, Becky.

This is our Irish Setter, Curry. She has the weirdest hair I've ever seen on a dog. I had to share this photo even though it's not exactly "of Flagstaff".

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Backyard Startrails

Backyard Startrails, originally uploaded by dustinjblodgett.

Another attempt at startrails. This photo was taken from my backyard. I really want to try to get out of town and into The Dark to get some good, clear startrails. Maybe when it gets warmer. :-)

Monday, January 4, 2010

8 Month Mark

8 Month Mark, originally uploaded by dustinjblodgett.

My wife, Becky, is at about 8 months pregnant and, after a recent snowfall, I figured the snowy backyard would make for a good background for a silhouette photo. She is due February 24th...THAT'S NEXT MONTH!! I can't believe it! It's gone so fast.