Friday, December 25, 2009

Hot Christmas Morning

"There's nothing like a cold beer on a hot Christmas morning." -Home Simpson

Merry Christmas, Everyone!!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Mount Elden At Sunset

Mount Elden (right) and some of the San Francisco Peaks (left) as seen from our front bedroom after a storm that dumped 2 ft of snow on Flagstaff.

As is probably pretty obvious, it is the new header for the photoblog, too.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Curry By The Tree

Our Irish Setter, Curry, sleeping near the Christmas tree. She's grown since last year....check out this photo:

Curry Last Year

She must have been really deep in sleep since this photo is a 30 sec exposure and she didn't move at all during it!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Curry watching birds

Curry watching birds 6909, originally uploaded by dustinjblodgett.

Our Irish Setter, Curry, watching the birds at the feeder during an early winter snowstorm